"As i live my days locked up in a wretched prison in this frozen country, i start to write the story of my beloved child, Nirami. The story begins with the birth of God." Traitor gives voice to the testimonies of millions of refugees of a war-ravaged land. The option above went for print..however i prefer the one on the bottom right..i love the way type sits on the texture of the wall. A shirt, a shadow of a man, a wall, all in one...an embodiment of a story behind a story..
'To see her is to fall in love,and to drink a cup of wine from the flask of
her lustrous eyes is to be transported to the cosiest corner of heaven.
To be with her even for a moment is to taste immortality'
I enjoyed doing this series of Raj books. The British Raj in India has always fascinated me
where Britishers could afford to have 2 or more wives. Over the centuries female dancers have appeared in various incarnations, frequently as temple dancers dedicated to the Gods, for dance is believed to have divine approval. Her mystique continued during the Raj and her popularity flourished amongst the English sahibs.
'What's wrong with this country?' is a question we often ask ourselves in spite of the fact that India is one of the world's fastest growing economies. We know the answers too: poverty, mismanagement and corruption. William Bissell in Making India Work puts forward his ideas that, if implemented, will make India a great nation.
Working on Making India Work has been no less than a journey for me. I tried all options from boatmen pulling a boat to an aerial view of fishermen to an attractive portrait of a farmer's wife on the cover but none worked. There definitely was a problem in understanding the target audience. The final cover that went to Press turned out to be a simple palette of Green.
Memories of Life in Lhasa is Tubten's autobiography who was arrested while defending the Dalai lama's palace, and after four years in prisons and labor camps, he spent almost two decades in Lhasa as a requisitioned laborer and 'class enemy'
While searching for images of Potala palace for this cover, i often wondered how the palace is from inside..is it as beautiful as it is on the outside?This is one of the options that i had done. I tried to move away from the common Red/Black color scheme here, that is often used for such covers.
I often feel that i have a strange connection to monks, to Buddhism. I perceived myself to be looking at the Potala palace and reminiscing my days there. Little did i understand that time that i was creating a "mood" cover. This is one of my few covers that went ahead smoothly.
I am a graphic designer by profession. I love to observe people, things, patterns, type,folk art, small things happening on the roadside, the chaiwalla making tea, the tailor engrossed in work. What is interesting is that, this silent observation often triggers my thought process and i end up designing,things off-beat and a little commercial stuff.I love exploring with material, be it bamboo, paper, wood or rubberbands for that matter. Design for me, is universal and it's problem-solving.